Lomi Hapai

Lomi Lomi during pregnancy and postnatal

Lomi Hapai is particularly suitable for pregnant women and new mothers.
I am the mother of a daughter myself and know how demanding pregnancy and everyday life with a child can be on the body and mind.

Positive effects of Lomi Hapai (in side lying and seated position):

  • Reduces stress, tension and anxiety

  • Relieves painful and chronic muscle tension

  • Lubricates joints and promotes range of motion

  • Relieves pressure on the sacrum and pelvic area

Pregnancy is always an exceptional and challenging time for the body and mind – emotions can run high.
Lomi Lomi can bring you back to inner peace and thereby deepen the contact with the baby. If the woman is relaxed, the path is open to trust in her own body and her own child and thus also in a relaxed birth.

Lomi Hapai is suitable from the 13th week of pregnancy.



  • Fever or shock

  • Nausea or diarrhea

  • Inflammatory vascular diseases, phlebitis

  • Diabetes

  • High blood pressure

  • Cancer

  • Infectious diseases

  • Arterial dilatation

After birth
the musculoskeletal system can be realigned and balanced.
The tension caused by carrying the baby can be relieved through loving touch. The nourishing and caring energy helps you to find your center, balance , well-being and relaxation.


Rate: 50 minutes EUR 90,00